Monday, November 2, 2009

$144 left for 9 days

Monday, November 2, 2009 0
I just realised that I didn't really post my fortnightly budget last week. Well, I budgeted $170 for each week. I've gone over $14 my first week so now I only have $156 left until the 11th of November.

Here's what the spending looked like:

Thurs (29th Oct)

$20 - manicure
$43 - treated friend out to a Thai dinner. We usually treat each other out and now it's my turn

Friday - (30th Oct)

$12 - groceries - I was recovering at home with a sore ankle so I needed supplies to last me through the night while watching DVD's and while J is at work all night

Saturday - (31st Oct)

$7.80 - guava juice & lemonade
$15 - liquor - my share for vodka & champagne

We had another engagement BBQ at J's parents place. It was good fun & there was so much food!

Sunday - (1st Nov)

$25 - wine festival entry - this came to about 3 full glasses of wine
$15 - food at the festival

I caught up with a friend of mine over the weekend and we went to a wine festival being held on the beach. It was a great day!

Monday - (2nd Nov)

$9.80 - lunch at work
$2.50 - giant cookie
$45.90 - groceries

Total: $196.00

There's too much going out & it's only going to get worse. I think we have somewhere to be every week this November & December before we leave for Japan that I don't even think I can contribute anything else to my savings. I guess all things considering, I would still be pretty happy to end the year with actual cash in the bank since I've only started saving in August and I've already got $4000 in there.
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