A brief description of each category:
1. Rent - this is going to be the last fortnight where we have to pay $250 for rent. In my next pay, it will go up to $450.
2. Jumpstart - is a personal training service I started two months ago. At the moment, I go to two classes per week. This is a direct debit that gets taken out of my account every fortnight. I enjoy the classes and this is my main motivation for exercise. If I haven't paid, then I just won't go.
3. Uni Loan Payment - long story cut short. I have about $13K+ uni loans (HECS). Usually, an amount gets deducted off the person's salary once they earn over a certain threshold. I certainly have been earning over the threshold for two years but they haven't been deducting it from my pay. So instead of getting a refund back with my tax return, I have to pay instead. I owe the tax office around $4K+ (including interest) and I've made an arrangement with them to pay $146 per fortnight until next year. They've sent me coupons in the mail as well with due dates so I don't forget!
4. Credit Card - I have $597 debt on my CC and I'm not going to be using it for a while. I'm hoping to pay this off very soon.
5. Home Deposit - self explanatory. Where the bulk of my moolah goes!
6. Gifts - I usually prepare in advance for birthdays and anniversaries. I have a birthday party to go this fortnight so I've budgeted a bit for that. But this would usually be $0.
7. Groceries - includes dinners & also lunches for work. I have a feeling that I will fall short on this one. We'll see.
8. Entertainment - includes dinners out, travel (public transportation is very expensive in Sydney!), movies, etc.
9. Personal Items - mostly beauty items & services
10. Shopping - no explanation needed!
11. Misc - this is not really earmarked for anything special. I think this will just be a back-up just in case I need more cash for the other categories.
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