I spent a solid $60 this weekend and I didn't even have a night out. Saturday, I spent $12 hiring 5 new weekly DVD's from Blockbuster (half of Heroes Season 1, Penelope & Nights in Rodanthe) and the rest I contributed to J's grocery for lunch.
Today, being the beautiful day that it is, J & I went for a walk and had lunch in a cafe ($20). I also spent another $20 for groceries for my work lunches for the whole week. At this point, and because I only work 4 days a week, I have lunch for every day of the week. There's also no need for me buy coffee in the morning as I still have a tub of flavoured coffee which would probably still last two weeks and also a small tub of hot chocolate which would last another two.
I have $25 left until Thursday (pay day!) and I only have to cook for one night of dinner until then for 3 people which I'm budgeting $15 for. My goal for this week is to also walk home everyday. Sometimes I get really lazy and either catch the bus ($1.90) or have J pick me up when it's only 25 mins. walk away.
Savings Fund update:
Emergency Fund - $2800
My savings (home deposit) - $2236
J's savings fund (home deposit) - $3000 approx.
I think we're closer to our goal than we think which is $18,000 by June 2010. At this rate, we might have around $14,000 before 2009 ends.
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