Monday, August 31, 2009

September 2009 Goals

Monday, August 31, 2009
Financial Goals:
  1. Savings of $1000 into personal ING account - J & I are back to paying $450 a week rent starting this week so fingers crossed I can still save $1000 a month.
  2. Pay off $292 in university debts (to tax office) - already included in my budget. The tax office has given me coupons to take to the post office to pay every fortnight so I don't conveniently forget.
  3. 10 NSD Challenge(No Spend Days) in conjunction with High Class, Low Income - as long as I have breakfast & lunch during work days, I don't really need to spend.
  4. Don't use the Credit Card - highly unlikely since J hid it (but I think I know where!). Anyway I really want to pay this sucker off so I can save the $100 I'm allocating to it per fortnight. $487 to go plus interest!
  5. Fill out green form and send it off to work's Financial Services so my HECS debt can be automatically taken off my tax each pay - if I don't do this, I would be continually paying the tax office and not getting a major return at the end of financial year!
  6. Record every spending for the entire month

Other Goals:

  1. September is No Sweets Month except for 1 day of the week - stick to it! J & I have been exercising but our diet is shite so we're not losing any weight.
  2. Exercise 3 times a week including PT session - I have a lot of credits on my PT sessions so I should really try and sign up for more classes
  3. Drink alcohol only 2 nights a week - I've been having a lot of wine lately. Not good.


Anonymous said...

Good luck on your goals this month! I look forward to watching (or reading! lol) your journey!

Miss M said...

Thanks! *fingers crossed*

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