Friday, August 14, 2009

Less than a week until payday

Friday, August 14, 2009
J & I get paid on the same day fortnightly (every two weeks) specifically on Thursday! At the moment, I have $125 until the next pay day with a looming weekend and 3 work days to go. I think I'll definitely make it without dipping into savings or using the Black card which I will now hand to J to hide away from me.

So far, I don't have any upcoming plans for the weekend. I was supposed to go out with a friend for lunch tomorrow and go half on a birthday present for a party we're going to next Saturday but those plans fell through. J is working tomorrow at 2pm so I'll probably just stay at home and watch a movie and do some reading.

On Sunday, J & I might go out somewhere for a walk and a cheap brunch. I might get out and get some groceries for my lunches for the next week as well and some bread for breakfast.

If I'm budgeting $40 for dinner tonight then I would only have $85 to spend on the weekend and my lunches and also one night of dinner before payday. It's going to be a tough challenge!


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